

Dream House

Web Log

Days 381-390


The Dream is almost a reality.



Watch our progress while we build           



Day 390

January 15, 2006


We have finally finished the deck.  It is going to be a favorite spot for relaxing when all this is done.



Day 389

January 9, 2006

Brian continues with creating the window trim while Daniel is painting window trim and baseboards before they are installed.



Day 388

January 7, 2006

Another stumble as we loose a little progress.  Due to an improperly seated saw blade, all the work on the round railing for the rotunda may have to be scrapped and started over.  The other choice is to go with it "as is" and fix it after we have the Certificate of Occupancy.



Day 387

January 6, 2006

We are cutting down the board for the baseboards on the second floor.  Brian is fitting them for the second Master while Daniel is still working on his round railing for the rotunda.


Day 386

January 1, 2006


We have gone as far as we can on the railing for now.  We have run out of the special screws (too many stripped out) and we have special ordered more.  We are only short about 80 screws.


In the meantime, we have installed the mirrored-front, sliding doors for the media closet in the bar.



Day 385

December 30, 2005


The railing could not be completed in a day so we are continuing without Paul's assistance.



Day 384

December 29, 2005


Making his annual sacrifice to the cause, Paul has graciously stopped by to help with construction for a day.  Just imagine if more of our friends did that.... the house could be almost completed.


Anyway, Paul is helping us install the deck railing.


Paul likes to make sure the "lean" rail really works.  The good news:  it does.


Last year, it was Paul who helped us install the supports in the deck framing.  Remember that?


The railing is looking great.  Thanks, Paul!



Day 383

December 28, 2005

We are prepping more of the deck materials to get ready for a special guest construction worker tomorrow.  We have to design the railing for the deck so that it meets that annoying County Code.



Day 382

December 26, 2005


 We are both working on the window frames.  Brian is putting up the frame on the 14' high staircase windows.  Daniel is prepping the boards for the deck railing that should start going up on Thursday.


We are also working on the media closet.  Brian has installed the baseboard and Daniel is assembling the component rack.  We have started putting up the track for the sliding doors.



Day 381

December 23, 2005

 Brian is still (yes, still) working on the window frames.





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