Dream House Web Log (Days 6-10)

Watch our progress as we build (or as we currently play in the dirt and sand)

See it live if Brian's web cam is running.  WebCam



Day 10

June 4


We've reached the elevation for the footers and stem wall.  Pro's will put those in.



Day 9

June 3


Half Day — The project became less of a hole as more trucks of sand rolled in, but the day ground to a halt when a tire went flat on the backhoe.



How many more days until this:


Day 8

May 30


After 20+ truckloads of sand, we still have to raise the ground another 3 feet.



Day 7


The sand starts coming in.


Day 6


We are taking the holiday off from construction and we're back in the current yard digging up cypress knees and a pine tree stump.  Our neighbor Jeff just loves running the backhoe and he's a big help.






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