

Dream House Web Log

Days 161-170



                      Watch our progress while we build

  NOTE 10/10/03:  Drywall is being delivered!!



Day 170

October 9

We have completed the installation of the piping for the air compressor lines.

We passed the insulation inspection and now we are ready for drywall.  We are getting finals on the quotes for drywall and will make the decision on the contractor today.

Drywall is being delivered tomorrow.



Day 169

October 3

Even if we are not making a lot of progress on the house, there is some great news!!  The asshole, problem-causing, complaint-filing, prick of a neighbor put his house up for sale.  Of course, he is asking way too much because he is such a jerk, but at least it is a start.  He will have to clean up his property to make it presentable and that will be a huge improvement for the rest of the neighborhood.

In the meantime, we are running pipe for the air compressor lines to the second floor of the garage.  We are also pulling cable from the house to the garage and from the current house to the new house for cable, phone, and computer network.



Day 168

September 28

We have sealed about two-thirds of the second floor in the garage.  Now, we have to move everything being stored up there from one side of the room to the other.

We also have to seal the staircases, too.



Day 168

September 25

The garage second floor has been cleaned and bleached and  is ready for the sealent.


Brian is also installing a layer of plywood to the back of the "media closet" to beef up the support needed for the heavy shelves and equipment that will be mounted in there.




Day 166 & 167

September 23 & 24

We have completed sealing the second floor in the house.  We are cleaning and preparing the second floor of the garage.


Day 165

September 22

We are cleaning and preparing the second floor of the house in order to apply sealer on the floor.  Dan is sweeping and vacuuming while Brian is apply acoustic caulking to the bottom edges of all the frame walls.


Day 164

September 17

We have completed applying the sealer to the first floor in the house.



Day 163

September 16


We have begun sealing the floor.  No, we will not be flooring the ceiling.


Shadow even helps supervise to make sure Dan does everything the way she wants it done.




Day 162

September 15

We are still cleaning and preparing the concrete floor for sealer.


Day 161

September 14

Brian has finished the jams of the first floor windows.  Dan is cleaning and prepping the concrete floor for a sealer coat.






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