Where in the USA is Frank?

Traveling to West Virginia...

(click on the pictures to see the full-sized image)


Click on the map to see Frank's route.



A required sightseeing stop is at the world's longest arched bridge.


No time for pictures... eat quick and get back on the road!


Once he reached West Virginia, Frank promptly got the vehicle stuck in the mud with his new friend Alex.



Frank is better at fishing than driving.


Click here to view a special album of Frank's pictures from West Virginia.  Be warned:  If you cried during "Bambi", don't click here.



Monkey see,

Monkey do!

If you like sand and mud, you would love this place in West Virginia.
It was an uneasy friendship because Frank knew he was having chicken for dinner.  


Summer at a ski resort may not be a lot of fun, but since Frank has never seen snow, he has decided to sit and wait for Winter.  Note the coonskin cap to keep him warm while he waits.



Black Water Falls in West Virginia
Frank passes the time during the 17 hour drive by waving at all the friendly drivers on the road.


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