One Small Stone for Mickey...
One Giant Leap Towards The Dream! 

On the 12th April 1997, 5th Anniversary celebrations at Disneyland Paris were at their peak.

Fantasia Gardens, just near the Theme Park entrance, joined these festivities in a unique way.
Mickey was there in person to inaugurate a magnificent new walkway. Named "Promenade Disney", this avenue will record some of the many celebrities and special guests who visit Disneyland Paris.

But the real stars of Disneyland Paris have always been the visitors. Thanks to Promenade Disney, visitors will now be able to maintain a very concrete souvenir of their stay by acquiring one of the stones which will make up this avenue. This stone will then be engraved and placed among the other celebrity stones making up the new paving. A Promenade Disney stone in their name costs 350FF, or 495FF in granite.

The lucky "owners" will become part of the daily world of Disneyland Paris, with their stone in place for at least ten years, where millions of visitors per year will be passing by...

The path to Disneyland Paris is paved with many bricks.  These are just two of them 

To continue your journey down the path click: .